HolyCoast: The "Puffy Shirt" and Fonzie's Jacket Won't Have Company from OJ
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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The "Puffy Shirt" and Fonzie's Jacket Won't Have Company from OJ

If you go to the Museum of American History on the Mall in Washington D.C. you can see the "puffy shirt" from Seinfeld and Fonzie's leather jacket from Happy Days. However, you won't see the suit OJ Simpson wore when he was acquitted of murder:
The Smithsonian Institution says "no thanks" to a donation of the suit O.J. Simpson wore when he was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and and her friend, Ron Goldman.

The decision comes a day after a judge in Santa Monica approved the donation as the solution to a long court battle over the clothing. Smithsonian spokeswoman Linda St. James says the suit is not appropriate for the museum's collection.

The agreement was reached Monday between Simpson, Fred Goldman and Simpson's former sports agent, Mike Gilbert. The suit will now be offered to another museum or institution, although it's not clear which museum will be offered the suit next.

The agreement was made during a court hearing after a judge telephoned Simpson at a Nevada prison where he is incarcerated.

His lawyer said Simpson's only requirement was that no one should profit from the suit.
Maybe the FBI museum would take it. Or Harry Reid's gambling museum in Vegas.

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