HolyCoast: Putting Reagan on the $50 Bill
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Putting Reagan on the $50 Bill

I doubt this will ever happen as long as any Democrat House or Senate member still lives who was alive during the 80's. They're just too bitter about Reagan:
Ronald Reagan is honored by, among other things, an airport, a freeway, an aircraft carrier and -- ironically for a critic of big government -- one of the biggest federal buildings in Washington.

Now, some of the late president's admirers are launching a new effort to add another honor: printing his likeness on a $50 bill in place of Ulysses S. Grant's.

In polls of presidential scholars, Reagan consistently outranks Grant, said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.), who introduced legislation to make the change.

But at least one Democrat who serves on the House Financial Services Committee, where the proposal has been sent, isn't ready to jettison Grant for "someone whose policies are still controversial."

"Our currency ought to be something that unites us," said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks).

Grant admirers, who credit him for leading the Union Army to victory during the Civil War, were none too pleased either.

"I'm very upset," said Keya Morgan, a New York-based Grant scholar who has a Web page on the 18th president. "I have all the respect in the world for Reagan, but what he accomplished is not anywhere as important as what Ulysses S. Grant accomplished."

An earlier proposal to put Reagan on the dime in place of President Franklin D. Roosevelt drew objections from Democrats, for whom Roosevelt is as much of a hero as Reagan is for Republicans. An effort to put Reagan on the $20 bill in place of Andrew Jackson drew opposition from Tennessee lawmakers.

A 2005 move to put Reagan on the $50 bill never made it out of the House Financial Services Committee, even though Republicans controlled the chamber at the time.

"President Reagan is indisputably one of the most transformative presidents of the 20th century," McHenry said in a letter to colleagues seeking their support. "Like President Roosevelt on the dime and President Kennedy on the half dollar, President Reagan deserves a place of honor on our nation's currency."
Has Kennedy served out his term in office I doubt he would have been considered a great president. Chances are he would have gotten the blame to miring us in Vietnam. His assassination locked him into the American psyche as an almost mythological character.

Reagan was loved by Republicans and many independents, and absolutely hated by Democrats who saw him dismantling their big government dreams. There's not a chance that any legislation honoring him on our currency will ever get passed while those bitter Dems continue to have power in Washington.

If we're going to replace the images on our bills, how about looking at those bills that have faces of people who were never president? Alexander Hamilton on the $10 and Benjamin Franklin on the $100 were never presidents. They were great men in their time, but perhaps it's now time to honor others who served in the nation's highest office.

1 comment:

Barbara Ellen Brink said...

I think Reagan deserves it as much as any president-probably more than many, but just as the Catholics have to wait about five hundred years to call someone a saint, we should probably wait at least a hundred to put them on our money. That way all the people who idolize him or disagree with him are dead and the facts of his presidency stand on their own.