HolyCoast: Racism in America is a Thing of the Past
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Racism in America is a Thing of the Past

This comment from a reader at The Corner pretty much confirms that racism in America is now a thing of the past:
As everyone sweats out the final Obamacare tallies, I’m struck by a couple of other stories. In one case, someone reported hearing an anti-black epithet used at a political rally. In another case, dogged police finally arrested the perpetrator of an intolerable crime. The perp is a 16-year-old kid who made a potentially offensive comment on a Wal-Mart overhead speaker. That these things are even remotely newsworthy leads me to one conclusion: Racism in America is dead. We had slavery, then we had Jim Crow — and now we have the occasional public utterance of a bad word. Real racism has been reduced to de minimis levels, while charges of racism seem to increase. I’ll vote for the first politician with the brass to say that “racism” should be dropped from our national dialogue. We’re a good nation, among the least racist on earth . . .
And as you'll see in the previous post below the allegations of racist comments in Washington yesterday were bogus, so we can't even count that in the roll call of racist moments in America.

If there's still racism in America is not because of discrimination AGAINST minority groups, but discrimination in FAVOR of minority groups. Racial set-asides, preferences, affirmative action, Congressional Black or Hispanic Caucuses...etc. When we get rid of all that garbage we may finally achieve Martin Luther King's ideal of a society in which people are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.