HolyCoast: Rep. Bart Stupak: Obamacare Still 16 Votes Short
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rep. Bart Stupak: Obamacare Still 16 Votes Short

I hope he's right:
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said Monday he thinks House Democratic leaders are not close to having the votes to pass health reform.

In an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, the anti-abortion rights lawmaker said, "I'd be surprised if they have 200 votes."

House Democratic leaders need 216 to pass the bill.

Stupak noted that he is not counting votes with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her lieutenants, calling his figure "a guesstimate."

Democratic leaders have a very different vote count, claiming they have, or are very close, to having the votes to pass a bill.
I think the optimism offered by Pelosi and gang is all part of the psychological warfare that's going on right now in which the Dem leadership tries to paint a picture of inevitability. They hope the media picks up that theme and encourages the voters to demand passage of the bill.

So far it's not working. I think they're still short a bit, but the question now is how much pork will be stuffed in the reconciliation bill that might be enough to buy off some of the doubters.

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