HolyCoast: Saddleback Church Adds 2nd Angel Stadium Event
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saddleback Church Adds 2nd Angel Stadium Event

I posted previously on Saddleback Church's plan to hold their Easter Service and 30th Anniversary Celebration at Angel Stadium on April 4th (which just happens to be Easter Sunday and their anniversary). Today I see the Easter at Angel Stadium logo on the church website has changed and I saw this Tweet:
Saturday night Easter service added at Angel Stadium. Special Music artist yet to be announced...
They have the Jonas Brothers coming for Sunday morning, but I thought I'd let them know The Crimson River Quartet can be available for Saturday night if needed. Just trying to help. My anniversary happens to be April 4th too, so Saturday night would work out fine for us.

And a little four-part harmony wouldn't hurt 'em at all.

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