HolyCoast: "Slaughter Solution" Has Never Been Done Before
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Slaughter Solution" Has Never Been Done Before

The unconstitutional attempt to pass a bill without actually voting on it has never been tried before in the House of Representatives:
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have never before been asked to pass legislation by "deeming" it approved under a House rule instead of following the process required by the U.S. Constitution in which they actually vote on the proposal itself, according to a senior aide to House Republicans.

The procedure - dubbed by critics as the "Slaughter Solution" - is the brain-child of House Rules Committee Chairman Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-NY, who, at the request of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, is trying to fashion a rule that would allow the House to move toward passage of a health care reform bill without a recorded vote on the Senate version.

Like the Senate, which adopted its health care reform measure on Christmas Eve, the House passed its version last year. But there are major differences between the two measures, especially concerning federal funding of abortions. The Senate version includes billions of dollars to fund new health care clinics that would offer abortion services. The House bill was passed only after Rep. Bart Stupak's amendment barring federal funding for the procedure was included.

Slaughter's approach would bring to the House floor a reconciliation bill to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of health care reform with the rule deeming the House to have approved the Senate version. The GOP aide, who requested anonymity, said a search of the House archives failed to reveal any previous use of the Slaughter Solution.

You may remember that Slaughter is the one who told the heart-wrenching story at the health care summit of the women in her district who had to wear her dead sister's dentures. We need to commit unconstitutional acts to make sure that doesn't happen again.


Larry said...

This Slaughter gal is a NUT! She should be institutionalized before she does any further harm.

Ann's New Friend said...

Slaughter is an apt name for someone pushing an abortion bill for what was previously the land of life and liberty. The killing of the innocents is not just a moment of Biblical history: it is happening now. Rachel is still crying for her children.

Note, too, these are the same people who want research on embryonic stem cells. This is pure evil.

We either stop this thing now or live with the horrific consequences down the road.