HolyCoast: Stupak "Close to a Deal" with Obama
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak "Close to a Deal" with Obama

UPDATE: Stupak is now being reported as a "yes" on Obamacare. He fell for it. What a fool.

Looks like Bart Stupak is looking for an excuse to vote for Obamacare:
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said Sunday morning that he is close to striking a deal with the Obama administration on abortion provisions.

"We are close to getting something done," Stupak said in an interview with MSNBC.

Stupak said he engaged in talks late into Saturday night.

The possible deal would focus on an executive order that would specify there would be no public funding for abortions in the healthcare bill.

"We're close but we're not there yet," Stupak said.
If he falls for this then all his protestations about being pro-life and trying to stop abortions are little more than hot air. As expected, he'll just be another Democrat who follows his liberal leanings at the expense of the unborn.

UPDATE: Seton Motley says if Stupak falls for his he'll be a "pro-life Neville Chamberlain". Good description.

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