HolyCoast: Today's Frivolous Global Warming Lawsuit
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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Today's Frivolous Global Warming Lawsuit

H/t Jawa Report:
VICTIMS of Hurricane Katrina from Mississippi are seeking to sue carbon gas-emitting multinationals for helping fuel global warming and boosting the devastating 2005 storm, legal documents showed.[...]

"The plaintiffs allege that defendants' operation of energy, fossil fuels, and chemical industries in the United States caused the emission of greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming," say the documents, seen by AFP.

The increase in global surface air and water temperatures "in turn caused a rise in sea levels and added to the ferocity of Hurricane Katrina, which combined to destroy the plaintiffs' private property, as well as public property useful to them".
This suit might have gotten some sort of settlement before the whole ClimateGate thing blew up the global warming religion. Now, they'll probably just get laughed at.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I'd kind of like to see global warming get its day in court. Good luck with proving a ferocious hurricane was due to tiny, if any, rises in sea level based on a few factories.