HolyCoast: Turning Off the TV News
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Turning Off the TV News

I guess my capacity for outrage has finally been reached. I can't stand to watch TV news shows anymore. It doesn't matter whether it's a local show with the murders and mayhem of the day, or even Special Report on Fox which I have taped and watched nearly every day for years. Sunday night after the Obamacare vote I went into my DVR's "Season Pass" programming and cancelled the daily recording. I just can't stand to watch that stuff anymore.

My wife and I would always watch "News at 10" in the evenings. Not anymore. Now we watch Seinfeld reruns.

From now on my news will come from online sources that I trust. I'm through with talking heads telling me stuff I no longer want to hear.


Nightingale said...

I heard the morning news this morning giving glowing reports about how Obamacare will lower our insurance premiums, among other grand benefits.

Problem with these TV numb-skulls is they're the only ones still drinking the kool aid and living in a fog.

Just wait until November.

luxuryoption said...

Welcome to the club :>)

Larry Sheldon said...

I don't watch any television at all to speak of--haven't for years.

"to speak of"? maybe three ours a year, including time in the barbershop and in doctor's office waiting-rooms where I can't get away from it.

Larry Sheldon said...
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Larry Sheldon said...

Come to think of it--that isn't really honest--I've been watching Glenn Beck's programs on the Internet for the last several weeks.

Michael Smith said...

Its funny that current events are not worth watching, but 10 year old Seinfeld reruns are. Its also a shame. At least with Seinfeld, even though I know all the lines, I can still laugh at them. The same old lines on the news? Not so much.