HolyCoast: 2010 Senate Map
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

2010 Senate Map

Karl Rove's organization has posted an updated map of what the Senate races for 2010 look like right now:
It's a little hard to read this size, so click here to see the large version.

Bottom line, as Rove looks at it now we could end up with 48 Dems, 2 Independents, and 47 Republicans with three that are too close to call.  Even if all three toss-ups went GOP the Dems would retain control because the 2 independents include a Socialist (Bernie Sanders-VT) and Joe Lieberman, both of whom will vote for Dem control.  With 50 voting for Dems and 50 voting for the GOP Joe Biden becomes the tiebreaker.

Still, this scenario is a heckuva lot better than what we have now, and it would certainly make it nearly impossible for Obama to continue to pass his leftist agenda.

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