HolyCoast: Worshiping a God Who Doesn't Care About Us
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Worshiping a God Who Doesn't Care About Us

Today is a religious holiday for some:  Earth Day.  It's the day for worship of Mother Gaia and all her wonders contained therein.

For those of us who worship other deities, we at least have some consolation that our God actually cares about us. Mother Gaia worshipers can't say that.  If my God tried to kill me in as many ways as Mother Gaia tries to rid us from her surface I wouldn't have made it out of the womb.

Today severe weather is breaking out in parts of the Midwest, weather that will include dangerous lightning and possible tornadoes.  We've recently had a spate of large earthquakes around the world that have killed hundreds of thousands.  Flooding, mudslides or avalanches sweeps thousands of others away.  Volcanoes ground our airplanes, ruin the ones that try and fly through the cloud, and take away valuable land and property, replacing it with ugly slabs of recently molten rock.

In the summer the heat can kill us.  In the winter the cold can kill us.  Anytime of the year just enough water to keep us from breathing can kill us.  A lack of water can kill us.  Many of the animals that Mother Gaia has populated the Earth with would gladly kill us either for food or sport.  Even many of our fellow humans, created by Mother Gaia if you want to go the full on evolution route, would kill us if given the right motivation and opportunity.

Mother Gaia thinks we're a parasite and would like to rid herself of us.  If she could wear a people collar like dogs wear a flea collar, she would.  Every now and then she gives a good shake, but we still hang on.  She is not a benevolent deity.

If you're going to pick a God to worship, may I suggest you find one that will respond favorably to your attention?

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