HolyCoast: Illegal Immigrant Enablers Protest in Phoenix
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Illegal Immigrant Enablers Protest in Phoenix

I thought it was the Tea Party crowd that was supposed to be violent:
The fight over Senate Bill 1070 took to the streets of downtown Phoenix, as riot Police were called to the Capitol to control an unruly group of protesters.

Witnesses say a group protesting against SB1070 began to fight with a man who was for the controversial immigration bill.

Police tried escorting that man away from the scene, fearing for his safety, when they too came under attack by people throwing items, including water bottles.

A young man was arrested during that melee.

Things calmed down moments later, but riot Police remained at the capital to maintain some sort of order.
They're fighting for the right to break into the country and avoid the hassle of obeying the law.

For what it's worth 70% of Arizonans agree with the new law.


Anonymous said...

Funny how the news media jumped on this Arizona immigration law story but completely IGNORED the following: John McCain and the Republicans seem to be leading the charge toward a police state:
S.3081 - Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention and Prosecution Act of 2010 proposed by Senators Lieberman and McCain “…removes the right to trial for American Citizens and gives government the AUTHORITY to detain Americans INDEFINITELY for SUSPECTED TERRORIST ACTIVITY…”

The really IMPORTANT thing about this Act is just WHO defines SUSPECTED ACTIVITY? I’m sure the CRIMINALS and CONS who oversaw the recent economic meltdown (or what I like to call greatest looting of a nation’s wealth and resources in the history of mankind) FEEL THREATENED by the ACTIVITY involved with calls for JUSTICE.

Republicans know DEMANDS for ethics, responsibility and accountability are going to come down HARD on them. Especially McCain/Lieberman who’ve been covering up Banking/Financial/Wall St SCANDALS since the 80’s. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what comes next…

Like wealthy Aristocrats have been saying all through history: “We can hire half the POOR PEOPLE to get rid of the rest, especially the boat-rockers”. So LAW ENFORCEMENT will be protecting those who ravaged and expatriated most of our nation’s wealth and resources from punishment for their crimes… It’s like these GOP elitists are telling Americans to “EAT CAKE”.

If Republicans take back Congress there’s definitely going to be some kind of revolution not long after. The Concerned Citizens of America have seen the light…

I’m going to make sure future generation know about dolts who vote Republican Party so THEY don‘t make the mistakes. Republicans/Conservatives have PROVEN THEMSELVES to be the worst kind of human beings. And suckers too, these so-called great Americans allowed themselves to be LIED TO over and over. Paranoia, misinformation, fear mongering, racism, hypocrisy and hysteria on a level not seen since the McCarthy Era.

Conservative wackos are NOT well-informed or smart enough to recognize the CON… these right-wing reactionaries got PLAYED FOR FOOLS, bigtime! Bush/Cheney, NEED I SAY MORE? SO WHY SHOULD ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN TRUST THEM NOW?

I’m going to shout IT from the hills and preach IT in the valleys. I’ll post IT on the message boards, tell IT in chat rooms and tweet IT on Twitter. Cold call, register voters, circulate petitions… I’ll get up on the soapbox and speak to ANYONE who wants to LISTEN! I’ll organize MASSIVE letter/email writing campaigns to CONCERNED CITIZENS everywhere. You LOVE the USA? Then the ONLY reasonable, rational, common sense thing to do is GET RID OF REPUBLICAN PARTY. Kick the vain, corrupt, lying silver spoon ******’s down to 3rd Party status… You Republicans are NOT even a political party anymore… MORE LIKE A CULT!
AMEN and GOD bless America, for REAL this time…

Rick Moore said...

Feel better, Anonymous? You clearly have been smoking IT and need to quit IT before your head explodes.

Anonymous said...

Ya it's real easy to be white n sit back n watch them round up mexicans. Im half whie n half mexican I've been stopped twice for driving around and being mexican they questioned me over and over about my ID and made an american born citizen feel like this is not his home. If illegals commit a crime deport them. Don't harass me for not doing anything wrong. Theres alot more going on here than what you see on tv. Raiding of entire neighborhoods right where I live. In case you didn't see the news yesterday people are gona start fighting back. Theres more poor mexicans here both illegal and legal than anything. That is how Az has always been. If someone doesnt step in and stop these cops from this things are gona get ugly. For both sides. Remember how close mexico is to Az.Going about catching illegals this wa is nothing but racist. What does illegal look like. I just went to disney land tell me all those asians are legal, tell me that its just mexicans causing crime.Look at all the back people commiting crime. Its not any race that is more of a problem we all contribute. Yea white people too. Sorry to break the news. So if u guys wana watch our world turn to shit and blame it on a group of people do it. Its on you but when u see what is going on in Az now you know why. Its more than the media shows you and anyone who thinks the news tells you the truth all the time is an idiot. 70 percent of america haha. Hope to see all of you at the next Klan meeting.

Rick Moore said...

Anon - If you're going to be at the next Klan meeting it sounds like you're the one with the racism problem.