HolyCoast: Is the Term "Obamacare" Derogatory?
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is the Term "Obamacare" Derogatory?

Newsweek and Jon Stewart seem to think so:
On Tuesday night's The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Stewart discussed a new book, A New American Tea Party: The Counterrevolution Against Bailouts, Handouts, Reckless Spending, and More Taxes, with its author, John O’Hara. O’Hara drops the O word—"Obamacare"—several minutes into the discussion about whether the tea-party movement is or is not antigovernment.

Stewart immediately jumps on O’Hara’s slip, calling him out on using the “derogatory” phrase and firing back by referring to O’Hara’s book as a “tea-bagger book.” O’Hara stammers for a few seconds and tries to defend his word choice, but concedes to calling it the health-reform bill instead. (It’s a law, by the way.)

Last month, I took on this same issue. Should the bill be called Obamacare, or is that phrase, as Stewart puts it, derogatory by nature?

Since its passing, so-called Obamacare has become a more mainstream term for the health bill, but it still hasn’t overcome its negative beginnings. The search results are still overwhelmingly negative, but it has made its way into several NEWSWEEK stories over the past couple of weeks.
Why would assigning the president's name to the greatest piece of health care reform in history be considered derogatory? If this bill is all that the Democrats have told us it would be, it should be an honor to have it named for you.

Of course, Obamacare is derogatory because this bill is a steaming pile of crap that will only do harm to America, our health care system, and our economy. It is aptly named and no amount of political correctness among the press will get critics to call it something else.

Frank at IMAO has a suggestion:
Here's a deal: We'll call Obamacare whatever the left wants us to call it after we repeal it.

1 comment:

Mikey J said...

So, is the book any good?