HolyCoast: You Can't Burn THAT Flag
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Saturday, May 08, 2010

You Can't Burn THAT Flag

We all know that the Supreme Court has ruled that burning the American flag is protected speech. However, as Don Surber tells us, burning the Mexican flag is a crime:
From the Napa Valley Register: “Vintage High School students were suspended for fighting and burning a Mexican national flag during incidents on campus Wednesday, school Principal Craig Lewis said.”

Sorry, girls, you burned the wrong flag.
Texas versus Johnson, 1989, allowed the burning of the American flag, not the Mexican.
From June 11, 1989, Deborah Leavy, executive director of the ACLU: “The flag is a symbol of American freedom — and that includes the freedom to disagree. By protecting the right to dissent, the court has done more to protect and defend our nation and our flag than any flag burning law could ever do.”
I personally am not in favor of burning any nation's  flag. To me that's a very weak gesture and doesn't help anyone's cause.

But it is true that had these kids burned an American flag a host of ACLU lawyers would have descended upon Napa Valley to protect the little darlings, while burning a Mexican flag will only get them in trouble and declared racist.

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