Arizona's tough new immigration enforcement law is fueling an exodus of Hispanics from the state seven weeks before it goes into effect, according to officials and residents in the state.I can certainly understand why illegals would be hitting the highway, but why would people in the country legally feel the need to leave? That seems a mite silly.
Though no one has precise figures, reports from school officials, businesses and individuals indicate worried Hispanics — both legal and illegal — are leaving the state in anticipation of the law, which will go into effect July 29.
Schools in Hispanic areas report unusual drops in enrollment. The Balsz Elementary School District is 75% Hispanic, and within a month of the law's passage, the parents of 70 students pulled them out of school, said District Superintendent Jeffrey Smith. The district lost seven students over the same one-month period last year, and parents tell Smith the Arizona law is the reason for leaving.
"They're leaving to another state where they feel more welcome," he said.
The measure, signed into law April 23 by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, requires a police officer to determine a person's immigration status if they are stopped, detained or arrested and there is "reasonable suspicion" they are in the country illegally.
They're leaving because the law has been so demagogued by the left it has become a it's own version of a Chupacabra, a Mexican fictional monster. Nobody has bothered to actually read and understand the law - they've just bought into the racist, bigoted hype created by people like Obama, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Al Sharpton, various Latino activists, and cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Unfortunately, a lot of them will be headed to California. There could be an upside because the additional strain put on California's social welfare network may finally convince the legislature they have to put an end to the illegal alien gravy train. Let's hope they know enough to go to San Francisco where a world of free stuff awaits them.
Let all the Illegals come to California where the welfare give-away programs are fantastic. When the poor working sucker finally leaves the state there won't be enough income for the state to pay all these free-loaders and the system will have to be shut down.
Then these welfare masses will find out that all this free stuff has finally come to and end and they will either have to work or else they can starve to death.
Here's the dirty little secret - government bureaucrats love illegal immigration. Here's why. A friend of mine works in the Pomona school district. He said that the enrollment has dropped due to families moving back to Mexico because of the economy. Since enrollment is down, state reimbursements are down, and teachers get laid off. Schools are paid on enrollment - it doesn't matter what the legal status of the student is. More illegal immigrants = more demand for services = more employment for state workers.
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