HolyCoast: Mickey Kaus Has Three Jobs in Mind
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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Mickey Kaus Has Three Jobs in Mind

Mickey Kaus, who is running against Barbara "Dumb-as-a-Box-of-Rocks" Boxer for the Democrat nomination for Senate, is willing to join the chorus of Democrats who have been bribed to drop out of races against Obama-favored candidates (from Top of the Ticket):
The candidate who claims to be no politician said he would accept no ordinary federal bureaucrat's job. However, he could be purchased by employment as:

--Head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement to push for an actual physical fence on the Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants and to end the "anointed incumbent...Boxer's obsessive talk of amnesty, sorry, 'a path to citizenship'" that actually acts as a powerful lure for even more illegal immigrants.

--Second, Kaus kindly offers, Obama could put him on the National Labor Relations Board so he could thwart "Big Labor's attempt to add to their dwindling memberships by avoiding secret ballots in union organizing drives.'

--Finally, Kaus offered to accept an administration job offer to the Department of Education to write "a scathing report" on California teachers' unions and their deleterious impact on the state.
Can we give him all three? That'd be fine with me.

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