HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Political Quote of the Day

Which radical rightwinger said this?
As I have repeatedly stated, Barack Obama is a threat to the continued existence of the United States, and he must be impeached, or resign. The real question is, what will we replace his bad policies with? Real patriots understand the need to think ahead, to create a meaningful purpose and direction as we rebuild our nation. We know that the next several generations need a better world to live in, which can only be a Post-Obama World.

I have based my campaign for U.S. Congress on a vision for a post-Obama world, one full of nuclear power, an interplanetary manned space program, high-speed railroads, and productive jobs for young people. This is a world where Wall Street bailouts don’t exist, and the retirements, mortgages, and life savings of real people are protected from funding someone’s gambling addiction. This is a world where the U.S.A. is once again a sovereign nation, beholden to its citizens, and working with other sovereign nations in pushing forward mankind’s scientific and cultural greatness, by fostering the creative imagination of the individual in society; it is a world free from the industrial-banking cartels of the British Empire, as well as the degraded views of mankind pushed through today’s “pop culture”.
Which rightwinger? How about Kesha Rogers, a black Democrat woman running for congress in Texas' 22nd congressional district.

Looks like she didn't get the memo from Rahm and Nancy about total obedience to The One.

She's also apparently a Lyndon LaRouche supporter, which certainly puts her on the fringe of any political party.  It doesn't make her any less entertaining, though.

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