HolyCoast: Rahm Gone After November?
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Rahm Gone After November?

That's what the UK Telegraph is reporting:
Washington insiders say he will quit within six to eight months in frustration at their unwillingness to "bang heads together" to get policy pushed through.
Mr Emanuel, 50, enjoys a good working relationship with Mr Obama but they are understood to have reached an understanding that differences over style mean he will serve only half the full four-year term.

Friends say he is also worried about burnout and losing touch with his young family due to the pressure of one of most high profile jobs in US politics.

"I would bet he will go after the midterms," said a leading Democratic consultant in Washington. "Nobody thinks it's working but they can't get rid of him - that would look awful. He needs the right sort of job to go to but the consensus is he'll go."
Someone's gonna have to fall on their sword if things go as expected in November with big Republican gains. If Obama wants to have a chance at reelection in 2012 he will have to moderate his politics, and Rahm Emanuel is not the guy to lead that. I still don't think Obama has it in him to move to the center, but if he gets the right Chief of Staff he could at least give the appearance of moderation.

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