HolyCoast: Elena Kagan: Anti-Military but Pro-Sharia Law
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Elena Kagan: Anti-Military but Pro-Sharia Law

From Big Peace:
The Center for Security Policy’s web ad raising questions about Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nominationtargets her dedication to Shariah law:

“As Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan banned military recruiters from campus because US law said they couldn’t enlist homosexuals. Well, she invited the Saudi’s ‘recruiters’ to promote their legal code–Shariah– which calls for homosexuals to be murdered and women to be treated like animals.”
If Kagan had genuinely objected to the US military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies, she would not have sponsored a November 2008 lecture promoting the Malaysian Shariah and secular (Section 377) anti-gay laws of “Do Ask, Do Tell, Do Flog and Do Imprison for 20 Years.”
There's a lot more background at Big Peace.

It's too bad that fools like Kagan fail to realize that under Sharia law they'd be the first to say goodbye to their heads.

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