Last week, Geraldo Rivera confronted Malik Zulu Shabazz, the president of the New Black Panthers regarding his organization's racist activities. Shabazz supported his group's racist acts and further stated the New Black Panthers intend to disrupt Glenn Beck's August 28 rally at the Lincoln Monument, claiming it is disrespectful to blacks because it takes place on Dr. King's birthday. When Geraldo countered that Dr. King's birthday is in January, Shabazz corrected himself and stated that Beck is being disrespectful to blacks because August 28 is the date of Martin Luther King's death. That too is incorrect; Dr. King died on April 4, 1968.You'd expect a guy who calls himself a leader in the black community to know that stuff.
In fact, all Shabazz knows it that Glenn Beck shouldn't have his rally on August 28th, but has no clue why. The real objection voiced by the perpetually outraged is the fact that August 28th is the anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream Speech" in Washington D.C. I think Beck's move is brilliant because if nothing else it will show how far the black political leadership have strayed from Dr. King's ideals. The American Thinker piece details some of that.
It's clear that today no one in black leadership really wants a colorblind society. They want to keep their minority status and all the government perks that go with it, not to mention pushing for more - stuff like apologies and reparations for slavery. The political leadership in the black community today is only interested in division and conflict (and your money), not harmony and unity.
Sometimes it's almost fun watching some of these lunatic groups show their mentality. The New Black Panthers give new meaning to a 3 ring circus.
"It's clear that today no one in black leadership really wants a colorblind society."
I look forward to the day they shut down this honkey site.
Tomorrow's Beck programs ought to be a hoot!
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