HolyCoast: Racist Quote of the Day
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Racist Quote of the Day

From that towering intellectual and Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, addressing the NAALCP convention:
All those who wore sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing [applause], uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the tea party.
This is, of course, the same towering intellect that gave us the House floor speech in which she praises the success of the "two Vietnams living peacefully side-by-side" - even though there hasn't been two Vietnams since the U.S. pulled out in 1975 and the North conquered the South.

She's also the towering intellect that once asked the people controlling the Mars Rover if the device would be able to see the flag the astronauts planted.

She's dumb as a post.

On a more serious subject, I used to think the possibility of a race war in this country was long over. Not anymore. Tensions are building, but unlike the mainstream media narrative it won't be caused by white people who hate non-white people. It will be caused by people like Sheila Jackson Lee and organizations like the NAACP who insist on calling white conservatives racist because they don't agree with their liberal politics. At some point the people who are being falsely accused are going to rise up and fight back and it won't be pretty.

It may not be a violent fight at all, but will be a political one.  Once conservatives retake power in Washington there will be pressure to end the racial preferences, set-asides, and other programs that have been used to buy black votes for decades.  Since conservatives will never win the support of racist organizations and groups like the NAACP there will be no reason to pander to them.  My hope is that there will be a full scale assault on the welfare and racial entitlement mentality in this country.  The groups that are promoting false racist allegations deserve to be hit and hit hard.


barnz78 said...

:) so is she saying the tea party is full of democrats? because the KKK was a democrat organization with many key democrat politicians unabashedly as members. amazing ignorance.

Mr. Richard said...

Sheila is dumber than DUMB!!!!! It is leader's like this who will most likely in time bring a race war into the streets all across America. Whitey is getting tired of all their damn accusations of being racists. If anyone is a racist all these people need to do is look in a mirror and get a close of view of a true RACIST!!!!