HolyCoast: Tea Party Caucus Formed in House
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tea Party Caucus Formed in House

Could this be a slap upside the head of the NAACP?  Probably not, just good timing:
Republicans have been wrangling for more than a year over how exactly to handle the tea party movement, but now Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is bringing them under the big tent.

The House Administration committee, which usually takes days to approve something of this nature, approved Bachmann's request to create a House Tea Party Caucus in a day. It will certainly give the national movement a more official voice within the House Republican Conference.

Bachmann, already a hero within the tea party, sent a letter to House Administration Chairman Robert Brady (D-Pa.) Thursday to register the House Tea Party Caucus to serve as an “informal group of members dedicated to promote Americans’ call for fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution and limited government.”

Bachmann, in a statement, said Americans have “had enough of the spending, bureaucracy and the government-knows-best mentality running rampant today throughout the halls of Congress.”
Unlike the Congressional Black Caucus or Congressional Hispanic Caucus, this caucus will not have a racial requirement for membership.  And they say the Tea Parties are racist...

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