HolyCoast: Today I Officially Quit Caring About the NAACP Calling the Tea Party Racist
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today I Officially Quit Caring About the NAACP Calling the Tea Party Racist

There are a lot of people in the conservative blogosphere who are all worked up about the NAACP decision to label the Tea Party Movement "racist".  I've decided to issue a statement of my own on the issue.  Here it is:

"Big deal."

The NAACP long ago stopped being relevant in today's political discussions.  You can look back a few years to when Julian Bond was calling Republicans the "Taliban" to see where their credibility on political issues went completely off the track.  They're just another car on the liberal crazy train and are not worth all the aggravation over their meaningless resolutions.

The black vote, and especially the black vote that pays attention to the NAACP, is monolithic in their electoral choices.  They'll vote 95%+ for Democrats no matter what the Republicans or anyone else does or says.  Therefore, wasting time on NAACP declarations will not change anything on election day.

If the black vote actually paid attention to the issues and based their votes on facts and not on promises that are never delivered, the NAACP statements could have some relevancy because they might actually move some votes from one column to another.  However, that isn't the case, so let's let them have their little immature tantrums and they can just stay a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.

And for any black Americans who are willing to start thinking for themselves, you might want to read this article:
Should Black Folks Give the Tea Party a Second Look?
Yes, the Tea Party movement is overwhelmingly white. But this writer says the black community should stop being emotional and consider the facts.


LewArcher said...

"And for any black Americans who are willing to start thinking for themselves, you might want to read this article

yeah, 'cause if they support Obama or the Democrats, they don't think.

Nice profiling there, Rick.

Rick Moore said...

When 95% of a given group votes the same way year after year it's not profiling, it's fact.