HolyCoast: Government Motors Making Political Donations to Racist Organization
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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Government Motors Making Political Donations to Racist Organization

A company which exists because of taxpayer's money shouldn't be making political donations to anyone, but especially not to organizations whose membership is restricted by race:
When General Motors went through bankruptcy last year, it suspended its political donations. Now that it's owned by the U.S. government, it's donating to lawmakers' pet projects again.

The carmaker gave $41,000 to groups associated with lawmakers, the vast majority of it -- $36,000 -- to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the company reported on a disclosure form last week. The CBC Foundation is a charity with 11 members of the Congressional Black Caucus on its board.

"We've always given to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation as far back as anyone can remember," said Greg Martin, GM spokesman. "Our commitment remains unabated, and we continue to be a proud supporter of their work to advance economic development in communities throughout the U.S."
So, are they planning to give to the Aryan Nation or La Raza too? Might as well hit the racist trifecta.

1 comment:

Matt said...

This action is ABSURD !!!!!!!
Obama and his henchmen should all be held accountable for such action.