HolyCoast: San Francisco Becomes the Unhappy Meal City
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

San Francisco Becomes the Unhappy Meal City

Food Nazis:
San Francisco's board of supervisors has voted, by a veto-proof margin, to ban most of McDonald's Happy Meals as they are now served in the restaurants.

The measure will make San Francisco the first major city in the country to forbid restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that contain more than set levels of calories, sugar and fat.

The ordinance would also require restaurants to provide fruits and vegetables with all meals for children that come with toys.

"We're part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice," said Supervisor Eric Mar, who sponsored the measure. "From San Francisco to New York City, the epidemic of childhood obesity in this country is making our kids sick, particularly kids from low income neighborhoods, at an alarming rate. It's a survival issue and a day-to-day issue."
"Food justice?" What the hell is "food justice"?  And when did the city of San Francisco become our kid's parents?

If kids are getting fat it's because their parents aren't doing their job.  Why not pass a law putting the parents of fat kids in jail?  That would make as much sense as the anti-Happy Meal law.

It'll never happen but I wish the franchisees who own McDonald's restaurants would get together and just decide to shut down their stores and lay off their employees the day this goes into effect.  They wouldn't have to stay closed forever - maybe just 30 days.  But it would be enough to hit the unemployment  funds in the city pretty hard, and would cause a significant outcry from the community.  That may be the only way to stop the food Nazis.

Or, here's another idea.  What if all the McDonald's stores in San Francisco simply told the city to go to hell? Keep serving what they want to serve and make the city try and prosecute dozens of stores.  It would tie up city resources and cost the taxpayers a ton of money.  It could actually create a populist revolt in a town that's known for populist revolts.   Just a thought.

1 comment:

Bob Hughes said...

If I was a fast food franchisee, I'd lower the cost of a happy meal by 1 cent, then give the option of buying a toy for 1 cent with a happy meal.

I'd also throw in a packet of ketchup. After all, the USDA has ruled ketchup is a vegetable. That should satisfy the law.

Of course, the food police would claim that the evil fast food companies were 'circumventing' the law. Not that the government would ever do that (changing the definition of a tax to a fee so it can pass with a simple majority...)