HolyCoast: Guess Who Wants to Spend More of Your Money?
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guess Who Wants to Spend More of Your Money?

President Obama will call for new government spending on infrastructure, education and research in his State of the Union address Tuesday, sharpening his response to Republicans in Congress who are demanding deep budget cuts, people familiar with the speech said.
I'm thinking that plan will be dead on arrival in the House.


Robert Fanning said...

It is not surprising to read that Pres Obama will ask for more spending in his State of the Union address. The current administration has almost no experience in non-governmental activities and thus no real understanding of what moves real business decisions. While removing impediments to commercial growth make sense to business people, the government knows only to spend money, money taken by force from the businesses they wish to stimulate. To get more money to give to needy people they must tax business more. By taxing business more they lower profits and actually reduce people's income while increasing expenses. A vicious cycle is created for more taxes, more stimulus, more cost to business, and less incentive in the market place.

Mark Mattingly said...

"The Stimulus" was all about infrastructure, right? It seems we've been down this primrose path before. Does he really think that everyone forgets?