HolyCoast: AP Course Requires Both Sides of Global Warming to be Taught
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

AP Course Requires Both Sides of Global Warming to be Taught

As it should be since human-caused global warming is still just a theory and not settled scientific fact:
A new high school advanced placement class that addresses global warming has prompted the school board to start requiring teachers to present opposing views in courses that include controversial topics.

Los Alamitos Unified School district trustees unanimously agreed to update the policy on controversial issues at the request of board member Jeffrey Barke, who said he is concerned about "global warming dogma" and wants students to be offered a balanced perspective on the topic.

"There are two clearly divergent opinions on global warming," Barke said in an interview. "There are those who believe that global warming is a fact, created by man's impact on the environment and the consequences will be devastating. There are others on the conservative side who believe it's much ado about nothing. It's overhyped and politically motivated, and the science is not solid, and there's room for more studies."

Since news of the board's decision was posted on a numerous national blogs, Barke said he has received more than 100 e-mails criticizing the district's move and attacking him personally.

Los Alamitos resident J.M. Ivler, who has a daughter at the high school, did not e-mail Barke, but he was critical of the school board.

"There is consensus in the field that we have global warming happening, it is getting warmer and it is related to what we are doing to the planet," he said. "That is not in dispute in the scientific community. It is in dispute in the political community. This is a science class. Teach science."
I'm sorry, Mr. Ivler, but you are woefully uninformed. Read and learn.  From Don Surber:
Climate Depot reported that more than 1,000 scientists “have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and former Vice President Al Gore.”

As Marc Morano of Climate Depot pointed out that is 20 times the number of scientists (52) that signed on to the IPCC report that won a Nobel Peace Prize (not a Nobel science prize).
Let's hope that as a result of this class Mr. Ivler's daughter will be better informed about global warming than he is.

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