HolyCoast: Lefties Launch Boycott of Fox News But Fail to Achieve Orbitz
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Lefties Launch Boycott of Fox News But Fail to Achieve Orbitz

A little play on words there.  Lefty website Media Matters, which is funded by wacky left billionaire George Soros, thought they could hurt Fox News by trying to get people to threaten to quit using services from several major Fox advertisers.  They're failing:
In Orbitz, though, DropFox may have already bitten off more than it can chew. The company is not only refusing to buckle under the pressure — which includes an online petition signed by 40,000 people asking it to ditch Fox News — but it is striking back at Media Matters, warning the organization it is risking its credibility by attacking Orbitz.

“This is a political organization that has been funded pretty extensively to go after one network, and we aren’t going to engage in that fight,” Orbitz spokesman Brian Hoyt said.
“We have a strict policy of tolerance and non-discrimination, and that means we don’t favor one political side over another. Tolerance is a two-way street,” he said. “We’re going to advertise on conservative TV stations, liberal TV stations and — if there are any out there — unbiased news broadcasts.”

The evidence DropFox and Media Matters have provided Orbitz was not convincing.

“We haven’t bowed to any boycott in the past, and we won’t bow to these types of smear campaigns in the future,” Hoyt said.
The lefties never have understood capitalism and clearly don't understand why companies like Orbitz or Southwest Airlines, another boycott target, advertise on Fox News. They're not putting their money into Fox advertising for ideological reasons, they're advertising there because Fox attracts a huge number of eyeballs in key demographic groups that are likely to purchase the advertiser's products.  Dropping their Fox advertising would only ensure a loss of business, both from the lost advertising, and from the millions of Fox News watchers who would be offended by the action.

Media Matters is basically a bunch of overpaid petty little trolls who are obsessed with Fox News.  They know they can't compete in the marketplace of ideas and it's killing them.

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