HolyCoast: McDonald's to Anti-Ronald Protesters: It's About Choice
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Friday, May 20, 2011

McDonald's to Anti-Ronald Protesters: It's About Choice

Choice.  That word the left so eagerly embraces when it's convenient to their political desires.  Well, one megafood company is throwing it right back in their faces:
McDonald's Corp. CEO Jim Skinner came out swinging Thursday when asked about Ronald McDonald and whether the burger chain hooks children with junk food.

Skinner, speaking at the company's annual shareholder meeting at McDonald's headquarters outside Chicago, said that newspapers ads Wednesday calling for Ronald's retirement had prompted an outpouring of support to his office, with parents and customers asking Skinner "to defend their right to choose."

A group called Corporate Accountability International paid for the ads, which said Ronald is encouraging unhealthy eating habits and contributing to childhood obesity and related diseases such as diabetes.

At the meeting, shareholders defeated a proposal the group had helped craft asking McDonald's to issue a report on its responses to childhood obesity. The proposal received 6 percent support, according to preliminary results released by the company.

Nick Guroff, a spokesman for Corporate Accountability International, called it "an extreme success for a first introduction" and said the results will force McDonald's executives "to take these concerns — as much as they diminished them at their shareholder meeting and otherwise — very seriously."
Only idiots and Ron Paul fans can call getting 6% of the vote "an extreme success". We continue:
When Deborah Lapidus, an organizer with the activist group, said McDonald's is interfering with political efforts to curb marketing unhealthy food to children, Skinner replied that "this is about choice."

"We believe in the democratic process and our government officials believe in the democratic process," he said to applause from the audience of McDonald's shareholders. "This is about choice, this is about personal, individual right to choose in the society we live in. That's where we play, that's where you play, and we have every right to do so."

Skinner also got applause when he called Ronald, the burger chain's smiling spokesclown, "an ambassador for good" and noted that he is the face of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

"He does not advertise unhealthy food to children," Skinner said. "We provide many choices that fit with the balanced, active lifestyle. It is up to them to choose and their parents to choose, and it is their responsibility to do so."
Does it ever occur to any of these ninnies that they don't have to eat at McDonald's if they don't want to? Unlike Obamacare, Americans are not mandated to eat Big Macs and Quarter Pounders.  They can go order their sprouts and tree bark somewhere else if they want.  Leave America's parents and their children alone.

Speaking of McDonald's, I just found out I'm going to have to sit and listen to one of the biggest anti-McDonald's morons out there - Morgan Spurlock, the guy who make the agitprop anti-McDonald's movie "Supersize Me".  He'll be speaking at my daughter's college graduation next week.  I may have to do some live tweeting from the event.

He purposely stuffed himself for 30 days on McDonald's food, won an Oscar for it, but basically only made himself fat and sick.  His impact on McDonald's was minimal.  Especially after another guy ate nothing but McDonald's food for six months and LOST 80 pounds.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Take a sign with you, showing the other guy's book.