In case you have a hard time reading that, here's what it says:
It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.He signed it today. In 2011.
Barack Obama
24 May 2008
Can you imagine how the press would have handled this if George W. Bush had done this? Obama has made a host of silly errors (57 states?) and yet we're constantly told he's the smartest guy on the planet.
The news yesterday tried to blame the gaffe on jet-lag. I thought jet-lag made you miss a few hours -not a few YEARS!
I also couldn't help noticing that other than the first letter of each name, he makes no attempt whatsoever to form the letters of his name in his signature. There's just a straight line with a tiny squiggle for each word. There's something sort of arrogant to me about just expecting people know who you are even if you don't bother to write it out.
Best wishes,
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