HolyCoast: AP Fact Check: Dems Lying About Medicare
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Thursday, June 02, 2011

AP Fact Check: Dems Lying About Medicare

We already knew that, but it's good to see the AP step up to the plate:
Democrats are distorting the fundamentals of a Republican plan to reshape Medicare, falsely accusing the GOP of pushing a proposal that tells the elderly "you're on your own" with health care and that lets insurers deny coverage to the sick.

Medicare always pushes hot buttons with voters. Both parties know this and spare no effort to exploit the issue, with truth as the frequent casualty. That's the case now as Democrats go after a far-reaching plan introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and largely embraced by congressional Republicans.
Read the rest of it where the AP slices and dices the Democrat charges.

Democrats have obviously focus-grouped the false Medicare charges and they know that if they can get those charges to stick even if completely bogus, it will hurt Republicans in 2012. The GOP will have to keep on top of this and make sure they're clear on their Medicare plans, and we'll have to hope the voters can sort the truth from the lies.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

AP being honest? About Dem claims? I am amazed!