HolyCoast: Mom of Weinergate Coed is Mad
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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Mom of Weinergate Coed is Mad

As you can imagine she would be:
The furious mom of the Seattle college coed at the center of Weinergate yesterday demanded that the cocky congressman come clean about the lewd photo.

“I’m really upset. I feel like he’s a person of power and influence, who can make a statement and make all this go away,” Carol Mizuguchi said, blasting Rep. Anthony Weiner for his continued snarky sidestepping.

“As her mother, I’m really upset,” Mizuguchi told The Post. “I’m pissed off at that.”

Mizuguchi’s 21-year-old daughter, Gennette Cordova, got the surprise package — a close-up of an underwear-clad crotch — over the weekend in a tweet from Weiner’s account.

After days of dodging, Weiner yesterday admitted he “can’t say with certitude” that the photo isn’t of him.

But he continued to deny he sent the picture.
If he'd sent that to my daughter he'd be able to physically mail his "member" to anyone he wanted because it would be permanently detached.

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