HolyCoast: Federal Judge: Prayer Would Cause Irreparable Harm
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Friday, June 03, 2011

Federal Judge: Prayer Would Cause Irreparable Harm

I guess if somebody heard the word "Jesus" their head would explode:
A federal judge has ordered a Texas school district to prohibit public prayer at a high school graduation ceremony. Chief U.S. District Judge Fred Biery’s order against the Medina Valley Independent School District also forbids students from using specific religious words including “prayer” and “amen.”

The ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by Christa and Danny Schultz. Their son is among those scheduled to participate in Saturday’s graduation ceremony. The judge declared that the Schultz family and their son would “suffer irreparable harm” if anyone prayed at the ceremony.
Christian kids have a way of overruling federal judges. My guess is someone will start the Lord's prayer and hundreds of people will join in.

Up yours, judge.

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