HolyCoast: Feel Like Dressing Like a Guy Today and a Girl Tomorrow? California Says "No Problem"
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Friday, June 03, 2011

Feel Like Dressing Like a Guy Today and a Girl Tomorrow? California Says "No Problem"

We have no state budget but we do have idiots in the legislature passing this nonsense:
A California bill working its way through the state legislature providing more protection for transgender individuals in the workplace could allow for cross-dressing employees to wear whatever they want to work, despite workplace dress codes.

AB 887, which passed through the state's Assembly on May 16, is causing a stir among critics who feel it's raising the identity of a transgender individual to the same level as one's ethnicity or gender.

"If you talk to the average (human resources) manager and ask if there would be any disturbances if a man came dressed as a woman one week and then as a man the next, I think the (HR) rep would say 'yeah, this would be disruptive to the workplace,' " said Brad Daucus, a California attorney and president of the Pacific Justice Institute. “It will inherently cause customers to be uncomfortable and not want to do business.”

Sponsored by Assemblywoman Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and co-authored by Equality California and the Transgender Law Center, the bill would strengthen civil rights protections in the areas of employment and housing for individuals based not only on the gender of the person's assigned sex at birth, but also by a person's "gender expression."
Can you imagine the legal hassles this will cause if enacted? Anybody that doesn't like the dress code where they work can simply decide their "gender expression" requires them to wear something else. And employers will be hamstrung as far as their options go to respond to problems.

1 comment:

John said...

Has the world gone mad, or just the Californian legislature?