HolyCoast: Sarah Palin, Highway Menace!!
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Friday, June 03, 2011

Sarah Palin, Highway Menace!!

Oh brother, this has got to be the dumbest thing Politico has ever published...and that's saying something:
Sarah Palin’s bus is plastered with a mock-up of the U.S. Constitution. But her entourage — both the three-vehicle motorcade that includes the bus and the smaller, two-SUV version she uses for smaller events — hasn’t been very respectful of traffic laws.

They speed. They run red lights and stop signs. They make last-second lane changes to get off the highway, sometimes without signaling.

Journalists in the caravan trailing her “One Nation” tour bus describe the experience as harrowing, a rolling menace careening up the East Coast in hot pursuit of the former Alaska governor who declined to provide any advance itinerary of her tour over six days on the road.

As they left the clambake she attended Thursday in New Hampshire, Palin’s two-SUV caravan traveled at 52 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone as it peeled away from the hosts’ neighborhood. Both cars blew through a stop sign about a mile later. They did 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on I-95 — and then, after they got off, without signaling, flew right past a flashing sign informing them they were going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.

And that was after they had already stormed the major cities — and just missed driving through a tornado on the road into Boston.
First of all, no tornado would dare hit Sarah Palin's bus. She'd field dress it.

Secondly, this petulant Politico piece is all about the hurt feelings of the press, not any violations of traffic laws. They're miffed because she refuses to play by the rules as they know them. The rules say candidates give out their itineraries in advance and feed the press juicy sound bites and quotes.  They long for the days when John "Maverick" McCain would invite them on the bus and give them exclusive interviews.

Palin has basically decided to go it on her own with or without the press. If the intrepid reporters are endangering themselves trying to keep up with her, that's not her fault.  After all, how hard can it be to follow a bus?

By failing to divulge her schedule ahead of time she's preventing two groups that want to destroy her from being able to get ahead of her and set-up: The press and protesters. It's actually a brilliant strategy and I can't help but think other candidates may take a hard look at it and adopt it to one degree or another themselves.

Looks like the press will have to do some work for a change.


Sam L. said...

And long, long, long overdue.

LewArcher said...

Palin in her own words:
Here’s how she described Paul Revere’s famous 1775 secret horseback ride through the countryside where he quietly warned revolutionary conspirators of the British Army’s progress between Boston and Lexington, where they planned to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock:
“He who warned uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be secure, and we were going to be free.”

He rang no bells, he fired no shots. Again, what would be the point of a secret midnight ride — and he was one of approximately 40 revolutionary conspirators and spies riding around Lexington that night warning of the army’s approach.

Rick Moore said...

Gotcha Lew. You fell for it too. A little research shows that Palin was right: http://holycoast.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-happens-when-sarah-palin-says.html

LewArcher said...

Nice try Rick.
I am always amused at the way people will contort themselves to explain away Mrs. Palin's obviously wrong comments.

So, according to the Moore-Palin view of history, Paul Revere rode to warn the British (if so, why did Dawes, Prescott and Revere try to evade the British soldiers.)

Moore-Palin on Bombardment of Baltimore Harbor:
It was to get Francis Scott Key to use an English drinking song to create the National Anthem.

Moore-Palin of the Sinking of the RMS Lusitania:
The Germans wanted the Americans to enter the war (WW1) on behalf of the British.

Moore-Palin on Apollo 13:
The oxygen tank exploded so Ron Howard could make a movie.

Spare me, Rick.

While Palin's most recent gaffe doesn't quite match her vile attack on Obama (he pals arounds with terrorists-though she could name only one), in the scope of things it pales next to this vile comment from Jimmy Carter.
In March 1977, Edward Walsh of the Washington Post quotes Carter as saying we owe the Vietnamese nothing because the destruction was mutual.

Now Rick, I was 3 1/2 at the time of Pinkville, but I don't recall over 500 Americans being massacred in one day by the Vietnamese (unless the liberal media covered it up). Nor do I recall the Vietnamese rounding up American farmers and putting them in a secured hamlet, depriving them of their livelihood.
Yet Carter seems to suggest so.

(That vularity was match by Sen SI Hayakawa who said that the US should do nothing about the landmines we left behind in southeast Asia amd that he hoped they "killed a few more" of them.