HolyCoast: Weinergate - Now With More Moral Equivalency
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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Weinergate - Now With More Moral Equivalency

I've noticed that the latest talking point from the left is the attempt to connect Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) sexually deviant behavior to the activities that got Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) in trouble a couple of years ago.  One liberal even suggested that if Weiner resigns Vitter has to go to.

Today Ann Coulter was interviewed on Rush Limbaugh and she addressed this issue quite nicely:
RUSH: What are some of the characteristics of mobs?

COULTER: Myth-making, contradictory thinking, creating messiahs and turning those who disagree with you into opponents, simple-mindedness, inability to grasp logic. You see a lot of this in Weinergate. It's funny, now when I watch liberals on TV, whatever they're doing, I think, "Oh, yeah, that's myth making, and that's contradictory thinking." Last night at the beginning of the Rachel Maddow Show she got a long segment denouncing, of course, in the middle of Weinergate: David Vitter, Senator from Louisiana. He is the only Republican ever caught in a sex scandal who didn't resign immediately or lose his reelection, but of course his scandal was very different from every other one I can think of. The DC madam released his name -- I'm sure there were a lot of Democrats on that same list but their names weren't released -- and what we found out was that seven years earlier he had gone to a prostitute twice; told his wife about it, apologized to her, confessed to her, confessed to God. She has forgiven him, the marriage had continued, and seven years later we find this out. As soon as his name, David Vitter's name was released from the DC madam's list he went straight out, apologized, admitted it; held a press conference. He's standing there with his wife saying, "I told her seven years ago. He didn't turn around and start denouncing the press and claiming he'd been hacked -- and after all of this, this on Rachel Maddow denouncing Vitter as if his sex scandal were somehow worse rather than less bad -- I mean, we do have forgiveness -- this Rachel Maddow concerned with, you know, the misogyny and the ugliness of David Vitter having visited prostitutes seven years before we found out, interviews as her expert interview on this Larry Flynt. He's your expert on misogyny here. (laughing)
Read the entire interview. It's all quite good.

1 comment:

LewArcher said...

" He is the only Republican ever caught in a sex scandal who didn't resign immediately or lose his reelection,"

John Ensign