HolyCoast: 9.2% Unemployment and Obama's Policies Guarantee More of the Same
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Friday, July 08, 2011

9.2% Unemployment and Obama's Policies Guarantee More of the Same

Only 18,000 jobs created in June, unemployment still at 9.2% (though real unemployment is probably 15%+), and Obama's environmental policies will guarantee more of the same combined with higher energy prices (from Daily Caller):
EPA saves us from job growth and affordable electricity -- How did you charge up the device you're using to read this? Did magic elves do it? You'd better hope so, because if you have to plug it into the wall like the rest of us, you're screwed. TheDC's Caroline May reports: "The coal industry is crying foul over new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations which they say will be among the most be costly rules ever imposed by the agency on coal-fueled power plants. The result, industry insiders say: substantially higher electricity rates and massive job loss. 'The EPA is ignoring the cumulative economic damage new regulations will cause,' said Steve Miller, president and CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE). 'America's coal-fueled electric industry has been doing its part for the environment and the economy, but our industry needs adequate time to install clean coal technologies to comply with new regulations. Unfortunately, EPA doesn't seem to care...' While the EPA's alleged benefits are lofty, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton cautioned that the new rules will come with a hefty price. 'The goal for these rules should be reasonable regulation that protects public health and the environment while also preserving economic growth. Unfortunately, the unprecedented pace at which the administration is issuing major new rules that impose new costs and regulatory requirements on states, employers, and consumers fails that basic test,' said Upton. 'By issuing multiple regulations for the energy and other sectors at such an accelerated rate, EPA has turned regulation from a manageable tool into an unpredictable moving target that makes it difficult for companies to invest and create jobs.'” Jobs? Who cares about jobs when liberal self-esteem is at stake? Why should Americans be able to earn a living if it makes treehuggers weep? P.S. If you really care about all this stuff, how are you even reading this in the first place? Shouldn't you be eating sticks and dirt in a cave someplace? Why are you destroying the planet? 
And a companion item from the same source:
Another stunning stimulus success -- In other governmental meddling news, TheDC's Neil Munro reports: "The White House decision to sell 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has failed to stop the upward march of oil prices, or to stimulate the economy. Prices for crude oil and gasoline dipped on the June 23 announcement, but have subsequently risen because expanding economies in Asia and South America are bidding up the market price, according to oil industry analysts. President Barack Obama's sale 'did not make a damn bit of difference,' said Dan Kish, vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research. Eight days after the announcement, 'the price of oil was higher than it was the day he announced' the release of oil from the reserve, Kish said." If you didn't know better, you'd start to think Obama has no idea what he's doing. Fortunately, you know better. Right? 
As Rush Limbaugh says, Obama is the biggest natural disaster America has ever faced.

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