HolyCoast: Just Hand Your Kids Over to the Government and Nobody Gets Hurt
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Friday, July 08, 2011

Just Hand Your Kids Over to the Government and Nobody Gets Hurt

That's the ultimate goal of liberalism, after all, and once again New York State shows us there are plenty of stupid things that can be legislated rather than deal with their mounting fiscal crisis:
After a legislative maelstrom of over gay marriage, lawmakers in Albany went ahead with an inconspicuous campaign to mandate warning labels on children’s sippy cups.

Apparently, advocates behind the legislation want to inform parents that tucking in their kids with a full cup of apple juice could rot away their teeth.

“I can show you photos of children who go to bed with sippy cups,” said Mark Feldman, executive director of the New York State Dental Association. “All you see is little blacks stumps – that is all that is left of the teeth.”

George Orwell’s era of Big Brother governments are the product of a bygone era. Instead of strongman censorship, the emerging “nanny state” of today’s political sphere floods the public consciousness with scientific studies, facts, and figures that bully us into adopting a healthier lifestyle.

It is under the aegis of this nanny state that First Lady Michelle Obama pledges for healthy school lunches, public schools forbid kids from playing dodge ball, and the USDA revises its iconic food pyramid into some lackluster plate graphic.

As government continues to intervene on household affairs, it pardons parents from assuming a basic level of responsibility. Terrified at committing the slightest faux pas, many first-time parents would rather streamline their children’s development through government programs rather than admit minor shortcomings as a mother or father.

As the hackneyed saying goes, children don’t come with instruction manuals, but if more state legislators follow the example of Albany, such a manual may become a near-future reality.
There's more at the link.

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