HolyCoast: Lefty Heads Explode Over Dems Support for SOPA
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lefty Heads Explode Over Dems Support for SOPA

Our second SOPA story of the morning comes from DailyKos, the lefty website where the nuts hang out.  Founder and Chief Nut Kos is not happy with Democrats over this whole SOPA issue.  After running an excerpt of an article listing numerous Republicans who have withdrawn their support for this very bad law, Kos opines in terms that I have to bleep about the Dem response:
If you keep reading that story, the Democrats listed all remain adamant that they'll remain co-sponsors of the legislation but work to "fix it".


It's been a while since we've seen Democrats this tone deaf, this oblivious to political reality.

You have an entire wired generation focused on this issue like a laser, fighting like hell to protect their online freedoms, and it's F###ING REPUBLICANS who are playing the heroes by dropping support?

Those g#####m Democrats would rather keep collecting their Hollywood checks, than heed the will of millions of Americans who have lent their online voice in an unprecedented manner.

Are they really this stupid? Can they really be this idiotic?

Are they really going to cede this issue to Republicans, hand them this massive public victory, then get left with nothing but public scorn when SOPA and PIPA go down in flames?
I just love blue-on-blue violence.

1 comment:

Larry said...

"It's been a while since we've seen Democrats this tone deaf, this oblivious to political reality." -kos

How soon they forget about Obamacare being shoved down the throats of the American people. All that's missing is for Pelosi to announce that they'll have to pass SOPA in order to find out what's in it.

Mark Levin said America has already largely become “a post-constitutional country,” and SOPA is just one more reason why. Someone once said that we need the wrong people to do the right thing, so maybe kos and his ilk are about to do the right thing.