HolyCoast: Top 1% of Earners Paid 38% of the Taxes
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Top 1% of Earners Paid 38% of the Taxes

And yet Obama continues to claim they're not paying their "fair share" (from Heritage):
The top 10% of earners paid 70% of taxes. Is that fair?


Anonymous said...

Nobody cares if they paid 38% as a proportion we want them to pay 38% on net income without back door avenues out of paying. I pay more than 38% why dont they? Thats not paying their fair share.

Rick Moore said...

Way to miss the point, Anonymous. The top 1% pay 38% of all income taxes, not 38% on their own income. Many of them pay more than 50% on their own income. Read the chart and try to follow along.