HolyCoast: Hillary's a Bust
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hillary's a Bust

Oh my Lord - look what's being unveiled at the Museum of Sex in New York City (h/t The Corner):

A presidential bust of Hillary Clinton is set to be unveiled at the Museum of Sex on August 9, 2006 at 10 am. Accentuating her sexual power and bolstered by the presidential seal, The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States of America will be officially open for public viewing on August 9 for a limited six week run.

Artist Daniel Edwards describes this new sculpture as capturing Clinton “with her head held high, a youthful spirit and a face matured by wisdom. Presented in a low cut gown, her cleavage is on display prominently portraying sexual power which some people still consider too threatening.”...

There's not enough Viagra in the world to make that sexy.

And when did Hillary get implants??

UPDATE: Reader Kitty thinks it looks more like Jimmy Carter than Hillary. Here's her side-by-side proof.

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