HolyCoast: How Did This Woman Get In
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How Did This Woman Get In

The Iraqi Prime Minister's speech to a joint meeting of Congress was interrupted by a left wing loon. Who was it? (from Special Report):
That protester who was hauled out of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's speech before congress was none other than long-time left-wing activist Susan "Medea" Benjamin, co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink, who, along with Cindy Sheehan, is currently on day 23 of a hunger strike against the war in Iraq.

A Green Party candidate for Senate in 2000, Benjamin also organized what turned into violent protests at the 1999 WTO conference in Seattle. She decried the violence at the time, but said she didn't want any perpetrators arrested, and would help them out of jail if they were.

One of Benjamin's groups rushed out a press release proudly announcing her arrest today and providing her cell phone number for interviews.

The question is not so much who she is, but how she got in? The only way someone can get a gallery pass for an event like this is if it's as a guest of a member of Congress. This means some lefty Dem got her in, probably knowing full well that she'd pull a juvenile stunt.

By the way, she can be seen in this photo of the "fasting" Cindy Sheehan that was taken just a day or so ago.

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