HolyCoast: McKinney Losing Big?
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Friday, July 28, 2006

McKinney Losing Big?

Tom Bevan at RealClearPolitics.com has information on a new poll out in the Congressional district where moonbat Cynthia McKinney is in a runoff for her House seat. If this poll can be believed, she's in big trouble:

A new poll by InsiderAdvantage shows Johnson leading McKinney 46 percent to 21 percent, with one-third of voters undecided. The survey recorded the responses of 480 likely voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

An analysis of primary election results showed McKinney's support eroding slightly in predominantly black south DeKalb County, her traditional base. Johnson won more votes than McKinney in predominantly white north DeKalb, Rockdale and Gwinnett, according to the analysis.

Bevan adds this note about a big name endorsement that McKinney got:
McKinney received the endorsement of Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young who said, if you can believe it, that he is supporting the cop-beating McKinney because, "Congress needs controversy." Now there's a catchy campaign slogan.......

I have hoped all along that the people in that district are smart enough to see that having McKinney in Congress is not doing them any favors, and though I'd rather see a Republican get that seat (not going to happen), at least we can hope the Democrat that's elected is not a complete loon.


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