HolyCoast: McKinney Still Trailing Badly in Runoff
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

McKinney Still Trailing Badly in Runoff

The fat lady's warming up in Cynthia McKinney's bid for another term in the U.S. Congress:
A new InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion poll for the Democratic primary runoff in Georgia’s 4th Congressional district shows challenger Hank Johnson maintaining his lead over incumbent U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney by a full 15 percentage points as the runoff election looms closer.

McKinney’s totals moved up from the last poll late last week, but she still sat well behind former DeKalb County Commissioner Johnson.

Hank Johnson – 49 percent
Cynthia McKinney – 34 percent
Undecided – 17 percent.

The tracking survey of 300 likely voters was conducted the evening of July 31, and has a margin of error of plus or minus six percent.

“There has been some shift in African American voters in McKinney’s direction,” said InsiderAdvantage CEO Matt Towery. “However, the black vote remains split with local black leaders endorsing Johnson, who is trouncing McKinney among eligible white voters.”

I'll bet. McKinney finally showed up for a debate, and I just saw some film of it on FoxNews. Instead of the wild hairdo in many of her pictures, she had her mane pulled back and very nearly looked sane. Mr. Johnson frankly wasn't all that impressive in the debate. He seems to have a charisma deficit, but at least he doesn't appear to be crazy.

One interesting side note - this runoff election is not limited to registered Dems. Anyone can vote, and many Republicans are expected to show up and support Johnson. They undoubtedly feel that can't find a Republican who can win in November regardless of the candidate, so they better make sure the best possible Dem gets the seat.

Look for a HolyCoast endorsement in this race and the Connecticut Senate primary on Monday (we'll have a little fun).

UPDATE: Here's an article on what it's like to live in McKinney's Georgia district and what may be in store on Tuesday.


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