HolyCoast: Holding My Nose for Romney
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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Holding My Nose for Romney

On Tuesday I will trek to the nearby elementary school and cast a vote for Mitt Romney for President. My first choice was Fred Thompson. He's gone. My second choice was Rudy Giuliani. He's gone and it's probably a good thing since he's come out so vigorously for John McCain. I like Mike Huckabee as a person, but I don't think he'd be a president with the kind of policies I would agree with. He's also not likely to be electable.

There ain't much left. Romney is a latecomer to many conservative principles and there's no guarantee he wouldn't head left if that's what it took to win the general election. Most presidents tend to wander left after they've been in office for awhile, and since that's a road Romney has traveled before, he might make the journey even quicker than others. However, he is the only thing standing between us and a McCain candidacy and a double digit loss in November.

That's not to say that I think Romney can win. He probably can't, however, at least in November I could pursuade myself to vote for him. I'll never be able to do that with John McCain.

Therefore, on Tuesday I'll hold my nose and cast a vote for Romney. My guess is that will be the last opportunity I'll have to do that.

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