HolyCoast: Anglican Church: Having Children Equals Stealing From the Mother Earth
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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Anglican Church: Having Children Equals Stealing From the Mother Earth

How about this for some Mother's Day stupidity:
The Anglican Church wants Australians to have fewer children and has urged the federal government to scrap the baby bonus and cut immigration levels.

The General Synod of the Anglican Church has issued a warning that current rates of population growth are unsustainable and potentially out of step with church doctrine - including the eighth commandment "thou shall not steal", Fairfax newspapers say.

In a significant intervention, the Anglican Public Affairs Commission has also warned concerned Christians that remaining silent "is little different from supporting further overpopulation and ecological degradation".

"Out of care for the whole Creation, particularly the poorest of humanity and the life forms who cannot speak for themselves, it is not responsible to stand by and remain silent," a discussion paper by the commission warns.

"Unless we take account of the needs of future life on Earth, there is a case that we break the eighth commandment - 'Thou shall not steal'."
The Anglicans have stopped worshiping God and have started worshiping Gaia.


Robert Fanning said...

I think this article expresses precisely the reason for keeping government out of the realm of religion! Silent prayer is precious little to keep the government at bay.

Goofy Dick said...

Yep, these people truly worship the creation more than the Creator.
Poor souls, they don't even have a clue!

Nightingale said...

Not MY Anglican church...Anglican Catholic, that is.

We just had a special blessing for all new mothers this morning, thanking God for them and their babies; asking God to help these families raise their children to be faithful believers.

The Church of England, from which my church broke away in 1976, is run by heretics. May God have mercy on their souls.