HolyCoast: Sen. Bob Menendez Joins The Idiot Choir
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Sen. Bob Menendez Joins The Idiot Choir

A New Jersey Senator chooses to address problems that don't exist:
Sen. Robert Menendez is urging the Major League Baseball Players Association to boycott next year's All Star Game in Phoenix over the recently passed Arizona law to crack down on illegal immigrants.

The New Jersey Democrat says in a letter that 27 percent of Major League players are Latinos and they shouldn't be subjected to a law Menendez says codifies racial profiling.
I guess he's already fixed all the problems in New Jersey so he's got time to meddle in Arizona.

And apparently Sen. Menendez missed the interview with Attorney General Eric Holder in which he was asked about the Arizona law by Jake Tapper:
“I don't think it's racist in its motivation. But I think the concern I have is how it will be perceived and how it perhaps could be enacted, how it could be carried out. I think we could potentially get on a slippery slope where people will be picked on because of how they look as opposed to what they have done, and that is I think something that we have to try to avoid at all costs.”
Menendez is playing to a minority of voters who have problems with the Arizona law. The majority approve of the law and will support politicians this fall who do so as well.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Menendez ought to go back to New Jersey and crawl under a rock. He is nothing but a trouble maker. The law Arizona has passed is nothing other than a state trying their best to uphold a Federal law, and because neither Bush or Obama are doing their job the state has to try their best to protect the Border of their state and a foreign country.