HolyCoast: Televangelist Needs $2 Million From You
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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Televangelist Needs $2 Million From You

The prosperity gospel isn't working:
The current tabloid reports  about Dana Point televangelist Benny Hinn (left) and Florida-based televangelist Paula White (right) are not the first time their names have appeared together in a less-than-flattering light. Hinn and White, who deny that they’ve had an affair, were among six televangelists targeted by a Senate Finance Committee investigation into possible financial misconduct, which has been grinding on for some three years.
Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, then the committee’s ranking Republican, wanted to know whether these ministries improperly used their tax-exempt status as churches to finance lavish lifestyles.
The others targeted were Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long and Kenneth Copeland.
Hinn has filed for divorce from his wife of 30 years, citing irreconcilable differences, court records show.
Hinn and White are common sights on OC’s very own Trinity Broadcasting Network – the largest Christian broadcaster in the world — where their shows appear back-to-back. They preach the prosperity gospel, and you can order your own ”Prosperity Prayer Shawl” on Hinn’s web site. 
His shawl must not be working. Hinn is currently trying to raise millions from his followers:
“I’m facing a deficit of $2 million right now that has accumulated in the last few months—first, because of the economy, and second, because I have continued to travel to the world preaching the Gospel,” he writes on his web site. “The offerings from some of those crusades did not cover the expenses. I had hoped and prayed that the need would have been met without my coming to you, but as I have learned over the years, if I don’t come to you and tell you the facts, there will be no way for you to find out.
“I know $2 million sounds like a large number, but it really isn’t if we all do our part. Then it can be taken care of easily and quickly.”
Indeed. Part of the tabloid allegations are that Hinn and White romanced while in Rome to meet with Vatican officials.
Perhaps his private jet needs a tune-up.

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