HolyCoast: Dumbest Poll of the Week
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dumbest Poll of the Week

Apparently there's not much for Gallup to do these days, so they've taken to running stupid polls. However, Dems should take note because, as James Taranto points out in Best of the Web Today, this poll might show some hope for the Dem's future White House hopes:

A majority would vote for a Democrat over President Bush if an election were held this year, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Tuesday.

In the latest poll, 55 percent of the respondents said that they would vote for the Democratic candidate if Bush were again running for the presidency this year.

Thirty-nine percent of those interviewed said they would vote for Bush in the hypothetical election.

Finally, a formula for Democratic success! All they need to do is (1) refrain from nominating a candidate, (2) arrange for the GOP to nominate someone who is constitutionally ineligible to run, and (3) hold the election in an off year. What could be simpler?

As Scrappleface points out, either Bush would lose the election, or he'd be arrested for violating the 22nd amendment of the Constitution. He just can't win!
If a presidential election were held this year, George Bush would either lose to an anonymous Democrat or win and be jailed for violating the term-limit provision found in the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup/Nabisco/Toys R Us Poll released Tuesday.

In the hypothetical matchup between the increasingly-unpopular two-term president and an unnamed Democrat, 75 percent of respondents said they liked the views, character and personal hygiene habits of the unnamed opponent better than those of the illegally-incumbent president.

In related news, a hypothetical CNN poll shows that 95 percent of Americans would give a pollster misleading answers "just to jack up the results."

The make-believe phone survey of 832 Americans also revealed that 97 percent of respondents strongly agree with the statement: "I'm sorry we can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave a message, we'll get right back to you."

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