HolyCoast: If This Is A Bad Day for Bush, Why Are The Dems So Depressed?
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

If This Is A Bad Day for Bush, Why Are The Dems So Depressed?

The GOP has been pretty split over the Miers nomination, and the reaction today to her withdrawal is equally split. Some are fuming and some are all but ecstatic. Most are inbetween somewhere.

Many pundits are trying to spin this as a terrible day for President Bush, but if that's so, why are the Democrats so upset? The fact is, they are now panicked that Bush just might do what many in his party wants him to do - appoint a judicial conservative. All you have to do is listen to the Dems as they trot out to the microphones today to know that they thought they had someone they could mold in their own image with Miers, and they're afraid they won't get that next time. Just listen to Harry Reid (h/t Just a Woman):
“The radical right wing of the Republican Party killed the Harriet Miers nomination. Apparently, Ms. Miers did not satisfy those who want to pack the Supreme Court with rigid ideologues.

“In choosing a replacement for Ms. Miers, President Bush should not reward the bad behavior of his right wing base. He should reject the demands of a few extremists and choose a justice who will protect the constitutional rights of all Americans.”
Earlier today, Sen. Durbin said the withdrawal was "not about documents, but about Dobson". The left is scared to death about the next nominee. Durbin is threatening a fight, and I say let's give it to him.

Chuckie Schumer looks like someone just shot his dog. Would he be acting that way if he'd just experienced a great victory? Of course not.

Teddy Kennedy got so upset he reportedly stopped drinking (not really, I made that one up - he'll never stop drinking.)

Republicans who are moaning about losing Miers should buck up. This will be a victory in the long run...provided that the President has learned something from this whole episode. If you didn't see it, here's my open letter to the President regarding the next nominee.

; ; ; Miers Withdraws; Supreme Court

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